SGPA to CGPA Calculator Online

Do you want to convert the SGPA to CGPA? This tool will help the students to calculate their CGPAs. Welcome to our SGPA to CGPA Calculator, your reliable tool for converting your semester grade point average (SGPA) to cumulative grade point average (CGPA). Understanding your academic performance can be complex, but our SGPA to CGPA Calculator simplifies the process, providing accurate and quick conversions. Whether you’re a student aiming for better grades or a professional evaluating academic credentials, our SGPA to CGPA Calculator is here to help.

CGPA to Percentage Converter Online
SGPA to CGPA Converter

SGPA to CGPA Conversion Calculator

CGPA to Percentage Converter Online

SGPA to CGPA Converter

SGPA to CGPA is an essential task for students and professionals alike. Our SGPA to CGPA Converter provides a reliable, easy-to-use tool to simplify this conversion process. By using our converter, you ensure that you present your academic achievements accurately and effectively in any situation that requires a percentage score. Try our SGPA to CGPA Converter today and experience the ease of accurate academic conversion. Whether for academic applications, job interviews, or personal understanding, our tool is here to assist you every step of the way.

What is SGPA?

SGPA, or Semester Grade Point Average, is a measure of a student’s academic performance over a single semester. It is calculated by taking the weighted average of the grades obtained in all courses during that semester. Each course is assigned a certain number of credits, and the grades earned are converted into grade points. These grade points are then multiplied by the credits for each course, summed up, and divided by the total number of credits taken in the semester.

What is CGPA?

CGPA, or Cumulative Grade Point Average, is a broader measure of a student’s academic performance over their entire academic program. It is the weighted average of all the SGPAs obtained in all semesters completed so far. CGPA provides a comprehensive overview of a student’s overall academic performance, making it an important metric for academic evaluations and professional opportunities.

How to Calculate SGPA?

To calculate SGPA, follow these steps:

  1. List all courses and their respective credits.
  2. Assign grade points to each grade received.
  3. Multiply the grade points by the credits for each course.
  4. Sum up all the values from step 3.
  5. Divide the total from step 4 by the total number of credits taken.

For example, if you have taken five courses in a semester with the following credits and grades:

  • Course 1: 3 credits, Grade A (10 points)
  • Course 2: 4 credits, Grade B (8 points)
  • Course 3: 3 credits, Grade A (10 points)
  • Course 4: 2 credits, Grade C (6 points)
  • Course 5: 4 credits, Grade B (8 points)

The SGPA calculation would be:

(310 + 48 + 310 + 26 + 4*8) / (3+4+3+2+4) = (30 + 32 + 30 + 12 + 32) / 16 = 136 / 16 = 8.5

How to Calculate CGPA?

To calculate CGPA, follow these steps:

  1. List the SGPA of each semester.
  2. Multiply each SGPA by the total credits taken in that semester.
  3. Sum up all the values from step 2.
  4. Divide the total from step 3 by the total credits taken across all semesters.

For example, if a student has completed three semesters with the following SGPAs and total credits:

  • Semester 1: SGPA 8.5, 16 credits
  • Semester 2: SGPA 9.0, 18 credits
  • Semester 3: SGPA 8.2, 20 credits

The CGPA calculation would be:

(8.516 + 9.018 + 8.2*20) / (16+18+20) = (136 + 162 + 164) / 54 = 462 / 54 = 8.56

Why Use an SGPA to CGPA Calculator?

Using an SGPA to CGPA Calculator simplifies the conversion process, ensuring accuracy and saving time. Here are some benefits:

  • Accuracy: Manually calculating SGPA and CGPA can lead to errors. Our calculator ensures precise results.
  • Time-Saving: Quickly convert your SGPA to CGPA without going through multiple steps.
  • User-Friendly: Easy to use, with a simple interface that guides you through the process.
  • Comprehensive: Handles multiple semesters and complex calculations effortlessly.


Our converter ensures precise conversions based on the formula you select.

How to Use Our SGPA to CGPA Calculator?

Using our SGPA to CGPA Calculator is straightforward:

  1. Enter your SGPAs and corresponding credits for each semester.
  2. Click ‘Calculate’.
  3. Get your CGPA instantly.

Our SGPA to CGPA Calculator does all the heavy lifting for you, providing you with an accurate cumulative grade point average in seconds.

Features of Our SGPA to CGPA Calculator

  • Interactive Interface: A user-friendly platform that simplifies the input and calculation process.
  • Accurate Conversions: Ensures precise conversion from SGPA to CGPA.
  • Quick Results: Instant results save you valuable time.
  • Multiple Semesters: Capable of handling multiple semesters, making it ideal for long-term academic tracking.
  • Free to Use: Accessible to everyone without any cost.

FAQs About SGPA to CGPA Calculator

SGPA is the grade point average for a single semester, while CGPA is the cumulative grade point average for all completed semesters.

CGPA provides a comprehensive overview of a student’s academic performance, which is crucial for academic evaluations and professional opportunities.

No, CGPA is a cumulative measure and cannot be converted back to individual SGPAs. but we are triyng to create a tool for it

The general formula to convert CGPA into percentage is:


Always confirm with your institution for any specific conversion methods they may use.

Yes, our SGPA to CGPA Calculator is free to use.

Our calculator is designed to provide accurate results based on the data entered.


Our SGPA to CGPA Calculator is an essential tool for students and professionals alike. It simplifies the process of converting semester grades into a cumulative measure, ensuring accuracy and saving time. With its user-friendly interface and quick results, our SGPA to CGPA Calculator is the perfect companion for tracking academic performance. Try it today and experience the ease of calculating your CGPA!