CGPA to Percentage Converter Online

Do you want to convert CGPA to Percentage? This tool will help the students to calculate their percentage. Whether you are a student, educator, or academic professional, converting CGPA to percentage is a crucial step for academic applications, job interviews, and more. Our CGPA to Percentage Converter makes this process simple and accurate, ensuring you get the precise percentage equivalent of your CGPA.

CGPA to Percentage Converter Online
CGPA to Percentage Converter

CGPA to Percentage Converter


Grade Calculator

CGPA to percentage is an essential task for students and professionals alike. Our CGPA to Percentage Calculator provides a reliable, easy-to-use tool to make this conversion process straightforward. By using our converter, you ensure that you present your academic achievements accurately and effectively in any situation that requires a percentage score.

Try our CGPA to Percentage Converter today and experience the ease of accurate academic conversion. Whether for academic applications, job interviews, or personal understanding, our tool is here to assist you every step of the way.

Grade and CGPA Calculator

Grade and CGPA Calculator

CGPA to Percentage Converter Online

CGPA to Percentage Calculator

CGPA to percentage is an essential task for students and professionals alike. Our CGPA to Percentage Calculator provides a reliable, easy-to-use tool to make this conversion process straightforward. By using our converter, you ensure that you present your academic achievements accurately and effectively in any situation that requires a percentage score.

Try our CGPA to Percentage Converter today and experience the ease of accurate academic conversion. Whether for academic applications, job interviews, or personal understanding, our tool is here to assist you every step of the way.

What is CGPA?

CGPA, or Cumulative Grade Point Average, is a metric used to assess the overall academic performance of a student over a period. It is commonly used in educational institutions to provide a standardized measure of performance. Understanding how to convert CGPA to percentage is essential, especially if you are applying to institutions or companies that require percentage-based evaluations.

Why Use a CGPA to Percentage Converter?

Many universities and employers request percentage scores rather than CGPA. Using a CGPA to Percentage Converter ensures you provide the correct information. This conversion helps in:

Academic Applications

Some universities prefer percentage scores for their application processes.

Job Applications

Employers often ask for academic percentages during recruitment.

How to Use Our CGPA to Percentage Converter

Our CGPA to Percentage Converter is user-friendly and efficient. Follow these simple steps to convert your CGPA to percentage: For example, if you have a CGPA of 8.5, using the standard conversion formula where percentage = CGPA × 9.5, your percentage would be 80.75%.

  • Enter Your CGPA: Input your CGPA into the provided field.
  • Select Conversion Standard: Different institutions may have varied conversion formulas. Select the one applicable to your institution.
  • Calculate: Click on the “Convert” button to see your percentage.

Common Conversion Formulas

Different institutions might use different formulas to convert CGPA to percentage. Here are some common conversion standards:

Standard Formula: Percentage = CGPA × 9.5

Institution-Specific Formulas: Some universities have their own conversion tables or formulas.


Our converter ensures precise conversions based on the formula you select.

Benefits of Using Our CGPA to Percentage Converter


Our converter ensures precise conversions based on the formula you select.


Easily convert your CGPA to percentage in a matter of seconds.


The interface is simple to navigate, making it accessible for everyone.

Multiple Standards

Accommodates various conversion standards used by different institutions.


Understanding how to convert CGPA to percentage can vary based on the grading system of your institution. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you convert your CGPA into percentage accurately.

To convert a CGPA of 10 into a percentage, use the standard formula:

  • Percentage=CGPA×9.5
  • So, for a CGPA of 10:
  • 10×9.5=95%


For a 5-point CGPA system, you need to know the specific conversion formula used by your institution. If your institution uses a different multiplier, apply that to your CGPA. A common method is:


The general formula to convert CGPA into percentage is:


Always confirm with your institution for any specific conversion methods they may use.

Accordion Content

In engineering colleges, the conversion formula often used is:


Check with your institution for any variations.

For a 10-point CGPA system, the common conversion formula is:


For a 4-point CGPA system, convert your CGPA to a 10-point scale first and then to a percentage. Multiply the CGPA by 25:


To convert percentage into CGPA, use the inverse of the conversion factor. Commonly:


So, for a percentage of 80:​


Use our CGPA to Percentage Converter calculator to easily convert your percentage into CGPA. Simply input your percentage and select the conversion standard applicable to your institution.

What is the full form of CGPA, and how is CGPA calculated?

CGPA full form is Cumulative Grade Point Average,which is a grading system used in schools and colleges to evaluate a student’s academic performance over a period of time. CGPA calculation is based on the student’s total grades in each course and the number of credits assigned to each course. It is a useful tool for both students and educational institutions to measure academic performance and track progress throughout a program.

However, grading criteria and credit values can vary between institutions and teachers, so it’s important to understand the system used by your specific school or program.

The Calculation of CGPA Example

Let’s try to simplify the process of calculation of CGPA with the help of following example:

Conversion Table

10 CGPA in percentage95%
9.9 CGPA in percentage94.05%
9.8 CGPA in percentage93.10%
9.7 CGPA in percentage92.15%
9.6 CGPA in percentage91.20%
9.5 CGPA in percentage90.25%
9.4 CGPA in percentage89.30%
9.3 CGPA in percentage88.35%
9.2 CGPA in percentage87.40%
9.1 CGPA in percentage86.45%
9 CGPA in percentage85.50%
8.9 CGPA in percentage84.55%
8.8 CGPA in percentage83.60%
8.7 CGPA in percentage82.65%
8.6 CGPA in percentage81.70%
8.5 CGPA in percentage80.75%
8.4 CGPA in percentage79.80%
8.3 CGPA in percentage78.85%
8.2 CGPA in percentage77.90%
8.1 CGPA in percentage76.95%
8 CGPA in percentage76%
7.9 CGPA in percentage75.05%
7.8 CGPA in percentage74.10%
7.7 CGPA in percentage73.15%
7.6 CGPA in percentage72.20%
7.5 CGPA in percentage71.25%
7.4 CGPA in percentage70.30%
7.3 CGPA in percentage69.35%
7.2 CGPA in percentage68.40%
7.1 CGPA in percentage67.45%
7 CGPA in percentage66.50%
6.9 CGPA in percentage65.55%
6.8 CGPA in percentage64.60%
6.7 CGPA in percentage63.65%
6.6 CGPA in percentage62.70%
6.5 CGPA in percentage61.75%
6.4 CGPA in percentage60.80%
6.3 CGPA in percentage59.85%
6.2 CGPA in percentage58.90%
6.1 CGPA in percentage57.95%
6 CGPA in percentage57%
5.9 CGPA in percentage56.05%
5.8 CGPA in percentage55.10%
5.7CGPA in percentage54.15%
5.6 CGPA in percentage53.20%
5.5 CGPA in percentage52.25%
5.4 CGPA in percentage51.30%
5.3 CGPA in percentage50.35%
5.2 CGPA in percentage49.40%
5.1 CGPA in percentage48.45%
5 CGPA in percentage47.50%
4.9 CGPA in percentage46.55%
4.8 CGPA in percentage45.60%
4.7 CGPA in percentage44.65%
4.6 CGPA in percentage43.70%
4.5 CGPA in percentage42.75%
4.4 CGPA in percentage41.80%
4.3 CGPA in percentage40.85%
4.2 CGPA in percentage39.90%
4.1 CGPA in percentage38.95%
4 CGPA in percentage38%
3.9 CGPA in percentage37.05%
3.8 CGPA in percentage36.10%
3.7 CGPA in percentage35.15%
3.6 CGPA in percentage34.20%
3.5 CGPA in percentage33.25%
3.4 CGPA in percentage32.30%
3.3 CGPA in percentage31.35%
3.2 CGPA in percentage30.40%
3.1 CGPA in percentage29.45%
3 CGPA in percentage28.50%